Hygenic Bags for Syrian Women
With the great support of “Soroptimist club”, in the frame work of the relief project “distribution of hygienic bags for refugees women” to release a bit the sufferance of refugees Syrian women settled inside Syria but on the Turkish border, we are the “SwissYria Association” and “Salam association” in Turkey, would like to acknowledge the sponsors of this project that we have successfully achieved it.
I went to south of Turkey in October 2016 to meet “Salam association” and we agreed upon the distribution mechanisms and the items to buy in order to cover the neediest articles for women in the refugees camps.
The “Salam” association bought all items and distributed them in the camps of “Sarmada” and “Ariha” both camps.The total distributed bags were 275 unites, costs all together 2’000 CHF.- (Two thousand Swiss francs)
Each bag contains the following items:
- Dental paste and brush
- 5x soaps
- Wax for hair removal
- Disinfectant wipes
- Hygienic tissues
- Shampoo for hair and for body
- Towels
The women in camps were very happy to get these bags and they express their gratitude to support such project, they were really in need such items. Thanks to “salam association” for its efforts, the images hereunder were taken inside Syria in the
camps. In this short communication, we would like to greatly acknowledge the donation of “Soroptimist club” and Madame Raphaella Perren for their generous donations.
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